A Baibaoqian Silver-Ingot-Shaped Box Set with Eight Auspicious Symbols

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Large quantities of crafts were produced during the Ming and the Qing dynasties, amongst which the Beijing inlaid technique gained the biggest fame. The gilt and red carved mosaic silver-ingot-shaped box set is in a unique form of royal court style. The coloured ground of the box’s surface is decorated with inlays in jade, stones, animal bones, and mother of pearl in exquisite patterns of eight auspicious symbols, conforming to the quaint and majestic royal art style. A replica of imperial art representing the craft of gilt mosaic, this box was presented in the Summer Palace to Professor Peng Liyuan and the first ladies of different nations at APEC forum.

明清兩代工藝品極多,頗見北京雕填工藝之長。金漆紅雕填鑲嵌八吉祥銀錠套盒造型獨特,以皇家宮廷為風格,在盒面規整的錦地之上,施以玉、石、獸骨、石決明,鑲嵌螺鈿八寶吉祥圖案,精緻細膩,形成古雅優美、富麗堂皇的皇家藝術風格。 本品為仿製宮廷工藝品,並於APEC會議期間代表金漆鑲嵌在頤和園向彭麗媛教授及各國元首夫人展示。


K11 Craft & Guild Foundation

Brand Origin
Hong Kong

30cm x 25cm x 46cm

Gemstone, Lacquer

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