Felipe Pantone Optichromie 151 Print

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The prints released this time are derived from the artist's creation, Optichromie 151, which is also the main visual element of his recent solo exhibition at Gallery All - Diagonal Reading, Stroboscopic Attention, yet, Profound Oneness. The term "Optichromie" itself represents a fusion of "optical" and "chromatic," thereby underscoring Pantone's deliberate emphasis on the visual effects and chromatic interplay within his artistic endeavors. Within this series, Pantone employs an audacious and intensely saturated color palette, often deploying sharply contrasting hues to craft an immersive visual experience that commands attention and exudes a palpable sense of dynamism.

Distinguished by its use of geometric shapes, intricate patterns, and gradients, the Optichromie series engenders a sense of perpetual motion and pulsating energy. Pantone's adept manipulation of color and form generates optical effects that captivate viewers, immersing them in a visual spectacle where shapes seem to morph and colors appear in a constant state of flux. Pantone's foray into the Optichromie series also manifests his profound engagement with the intersection of traditional artistic practices and contemporary technological aesthetics. The works subtly nod to digital sensibilities and the visual lexicon of the internet, thereby underscoring the artist's astute connection with the zeitgeist of modern culture.

In summation, Felipe Pantone's Optichromie 151 serves as a testament to his distinctive artistic vision, skillfully amalgamating elements of street art, abstract expressionism, and digital aesthetics,to produce visually compelling and immersive artworks that transcend conventional boundaries.

本次發售的光學藝術151版畫(Optichromie 151 Print)源自藝術家所創的光學藝術151(Optichromie 151),光學藝術151也是其在Gallery All個展--速讀· 頻閃· 共振(Diagonal Reading, Stroboscopic Attention, yet, Profound Oneness)的主視覺之一。 光學藝術(Optichromie)一詞本身融合了Optical(光學的)和Chromatic(色彩的)兩個英文單字,傳達了藝術家在創作中對視覺效果和色彩交織的關注。 在這個系列中,Felipe Pantone大膽採用高飽和的色彩和鮮明對比的色調,創造了引人注目且散發出強烈動感的沉浸式視覺體驗。

光學藝術151則源自藝術家的光學藝術系列(Optichromie Series),以運用幾何形狀、複雜圖案和漸變而聞名。 該系列營造出一種永恆運動和脈動能量的感覺。藝術家熟練操縱色彩和形式,令作品產生引人入勝的光學效果,使觀眾沉浸在一個形狀似變、顏色似流動的視覺盛宴中。藝術家對光學藝術系列的探索也反映了他對傳統藝術實踐和現代科技美學交會領域的深刻參與。 這些作品微妙地向數位感知和網路視覺詞彙致敬,強調了藝術家與現代文化精神的敏銳聯繫。

值得一提的是,藝術家經常在他的藝術作品中加入摩爾紋樣式。 摩爾紋是當兩組正規的平行線或網格被疊加或輕微偏移時產生的干涉圖案。 這些圖案產生的視覺效果,通常以波紋或波動的扭曲為特徵,可以為視覺構圖增添動態和引人注目的元素。藝術家對摩爾紋樣式的運用符合他整體創作方向,也就是探索類比和數位交會的地方,將傳統藝術技巧與當代元素融合。 他作品中的摩爾紋樣式為其動態藝術風格所特有的光學錯覺感增色添彩。

總體而言,Felipe Pantone的光學藝術151版畫是對他獨特藝術願景的明證,其巧妙地融合了街頭藝術,抽象表現主義和數位美學,創造出視覺上引人入勝且具有沉浸感的藝術品,持續挑戰 著傳統藝術的邊界。


Print: 23.6″x 22.8″

Signed by Felipe Pantone and numbered

版畫紙張尺寸:60 cm x 58 cm


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